Fot a collar, you trim, and every other time, you clip.
It's just that, over time, I've come to prefer trimming every time I meet a convex curve.
I'll show you why :
Effective clipping requires to know how the fabrics will react, and to make relatively close notches (between 1cm / 3/8" and 1,5cm / 5/8") to avoid the effect seen above.
This fabric is an Armani suiting wool.
Here are the bottom of the overlap, on top, and the collar. The fabric is a linen-cotton blend.
The bottom has been clipped, and the collar trimmed. The clipping has been made a bit more carefully, but the "breakings" show a little nonetheless. It's not as noticeable because the fabric is fluider and it has been pressed cleverly.
Here are the bottom and top of the overlap, in a wool coating fabric. Both are trimmed.
Trimming seems a lazy solution, but I really like the outcome, and I also prefer it because I fear clipping might weaken the seam (probably irrational, but...).
Am I the only one trimming where clipping should be made ?
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